


黄旭明  博士,教授,博/硕士生导,广东省“千百十工程”培养对象,性别:男 ; 民族:汉 ; 籍贯:广东揭阳

专业:果树学; 学历:博士研究生; 职称:教授

联系方式:020-85288273;13640319693; huangxm@scau.edu.cn

个人简历 / 专兼职职务

1998年获beat365在线体育官网植物生理学博士学位,2000年进修于以色列希伯莱大学农学院,2003-2004年在美国宾州州立大学做访问学者。2005年晋升教授,2006年获博导资格,现任beat365在线体育官网南方果树研究室主任;担任《Scientia Hortiuclturae》、《园艺学报》、《果树学报》、《广东园艺》等学术杂志编委。广东省第6批“千百十人才工程”省级培养对象,广东省农村科技特派员(2010A0273)。国际园艺学会会员,担任国际园艺学会Litchi Workshop主席;在多个国际热带亚热带果树学术研讨会中担任学术委员并做特邀报告。













● 果实摄取钙的途径及调控机理的研究. 国家自然科学基金(31372009),2014.01-2017.12 (80万)(在研)

● 饥饿胁迫下龙眼乙烯和H2O2信号发生及其在脱落调节上的互作. 国家自然科学基金(31171919). 2012.01-2015.12. (66万)(在研)

●  果树遗传改良与控制技术研究及其应用. 农业部行业科技专项(子课题) 200903044-5, 2009.01-2013.12. (193万)(完成)

●  H2O2调节细胞壁修饰及其与具假种皮果实发育关系研究. 国家自然科学基金30871693, 2008.01-2010.12 (37万)  (完成)

● 荔枝龙眼产业体系之荔枝龙眼花果发育岗,农业部农业现代化技术体系建设项目(nycytx-32-03),排名2 (省部级重大课题)

●  南非荔枝园管理专家系统的引进与开发利用,农业部948专项,100万, 2010.01-2011.12,排名3 (省部重大课题)


在国内外知名学术刊物上发表论文40余篇,其中SCI论文20篇, 获得省级科技成果奖励3项,厅局级成果奖励1项,选育荔枝新品种1个(岭丰糯);出版(参编)专著或教材6部。主要论文如下:

Huang XM, Wang HC, Gao FF, Huang HB, 1999 A comparative study of pericarp of litchi cultivars susceptible and resistant to fruit cracking. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,.74(3): 351-354 

Huang XM, Huang HB, Gao FF 2000 The growth potential generated in citurs fruit under water stress and its relevant mechanism. Scientia Horticulturae, 83:227-240.

Huang XM, Huang HB. 2001. Early post-veraison growth in grapes: evidence for a two-step mode of berry enlargement. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 7:132-136.

Huang XM, Li JG, Wang HC, Huang HB and Gao FF 2001 Relationship betw een fruit cracking and calcium in litchi pericarp Acta Horticulturae, 558: 209-216

Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Huang HB. 2004 Pericarp structure in relation to fruit cracking resistance in litchi.  Acta Horticulturae,632:131-137

Huang XM, Yuan WQ, Wang HC, Li JG, Huang HB. 2004 Early accumulation of calcium may play a role in spongy tissue formation in litchi pericarp. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 79(6):947-952

Huang XM, Yuan WQ, Wang HC, Li JG, Huang HB. 2004 Linking cracking resistance and fruit desiccation rate to pericarp structure in litchi. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 79(6):897-905

Huang XM, Zeng L. 2005 Lychee and Longan production in China.  Acta Horticulturae, 665, 27-36

Huang XM, Lakso AN, Eissenstat DM. Interactive effects of soil temperature and moisture on Concord grape root respiration. Journal of Experimental Botany, 55(420):2651-2660. 

Huang XM, Huang HB, Wang HC 2005. Cell walls of loosening skin in post-veraison grape berries lose structural polysaccharides and calcium while accumulate structural proteins. Scientia Horticulturae, 104:249-263. (0.583)

Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Yin JH. 2005 An overview of calcium’s role in lychee fruit cracking.  Acta Horticulturae, 665, 231-240

Huang XM, Wang HC, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Yin JH, Luo S, Huang HB. 2005 Study of rapid senescence of detached litchi: role of water loss and calcium Postharvest biology and Technology, 36: 177-189

Huang XM, Wang HC, Li JG, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Huang HB, Luo S, Yin JH 2006 The presence of oxalate in the pericarp and fruit pedicel is not linked to a shortage of fruit calcium and increase in cracking incidence in litchi. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology,. 81(2):231-237

Huang XM, Wang HC, Lu XJ, Yuan WQ, Lu JM, Li JG, Huang HB 2006 Cell wall modifications in the pericarp of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cultivars that differ in their resistance to cracking. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81(2):231-237

Huang XM, Wu ZX 2006 Maturation and senescence of litchi fruit and their regulations. Advances in Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops, 2006, 315-340 

Huang XM, Lu JM, Wang HC, Zhang CL, Xie L, Yang RT, Li JG, Huang HB. 2006. Nitrate reduces the detrimental effect of potassium chlorate on longan (Dimocarpus Longan Lour.) trees. Scientia Horticulturae, 2005,108: 151-158

Li JG, Huang HB, Huang XM. 2001 An overview of litchi fruit cracking. Acta Horticulturae, 558: 205-208

Wang HC, Huang XM, Hu GB, Yang ZY, Huang HB. 2005.  A comparative study of chlorophyll loss and its related mechanism during fruit maturation in the pericarp of fast- and slow-degreening litchi pericarp. Scientia Horticulturae, 106:247~257 

Wang HC, Huang HB, Huang XM* 2007. Differential effects of absciscic acid and ehtylene on the fruit maturation of litchi chinensis Sonn.. Plant Growth Regulation, 52:189-198. (1.024)

Wang HC, Wang L, Hu YL, Huang XM*. 2007. Flowering and fruiting of two loquat cultivars in Guangzhou and effects of bagging on fruit quality. 750:401-406

Huang Xu-Ming , Wang Hui-Cong, Zhong Wei-Liang, Yuan Wei-Qun, Lu Jie-Mei, Li Jian-Guo. 2008. Spraying calcium is not an effective way to increase structural calcium in litchi pericarp. Scientia Horticulturae, 117:39-44 (0.694)

Biyan Zhou, Houbin Chen, Xuming Huang *, Ning Li, Zhiqun Hu, Zhigen Gao, Yong Lu. 2008. Rudimentary leaf abortion with the development of panicle in litchi: Changes in ultrastructure, antioxidant enzymes and phytohormones. Scientia Horticulturae 117 (2008) 288–296

Yang Wei-Hai, Zhu Xiao-Chuan, Bu Jian-Hua, Hu Gui-Bing, Wang Hui-Cong, Huang Xu-Ming. 2009. Effects of bagging on fruit development and quality in cross-winter off-season longan. Scientia Horticulturae, 120:194-200. (1.187)

Wei-Hai Yang, Xiao-ChuanZhu, Si-Cong Deng, Hui-Cong Wang, Gui-Bing Hu, Hong Wu, Xu-Ming Huang* 2010. Developmental problems in over-winter off-season longan fruit. I: Effect of temperatures. Scientia Horticulturae, 126 (2010) 351-358

Wei-Hai Yang, Si-Cong Deng, Xiao-ChuanZhu, Hui-Cong Wang, Hong Wu*, Xu-Ming Huang*. 2010. Developmental problems in over-winter off-season longan fruit. II: Development of pericarp structure. 126 (2010) 359-365

Z.Q. Hu, X.M. Huang, H.B. Chen, H.C. Wang*. 2010. Antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Pericarp. Acta Horticulturae, 863: 567-574

B.Y. Zhou*, X.M. Huang, H.B. Chen, Z.Q. Hu, Z.G. Gao, N. Li and Y. Lu. 2010. Physiological comparison of abscising rudimentary leaf and vigorously developing panicle in litchi: antioxidant enzymes and phytohormones. Acta Horticulturae, 863: 461-467

Wang Hui-Cong, Hu Zhi-Qun, Wang Yan, Chen Hou-Bin, Huang Xu-Ming * 2011. Phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activities in litchi pericarp: Difference among cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 129, 784-789

Xin-Yu Fu, Song-Xing Peng, Shuai Yang, Yong-Hui Chen, Jing-Yi Zhang, Wei-Ping Mo, Jian-Yun Zhu, Yao-Xiong Ye, Xu-Ming Huang1* 2012 Effects of flooding on grafted annona plants of different scion/rootstock combinations. Agricultural Science, 3(2), 249-256

Shi-Ya Jiang, Huan-Yu Xu, Hui-Cong Wang, Gui-bing Hu, Jian-Guo Li, Hou-Bin Chen, Xu-ming Huang*. 2012. A comparison of the costs of flowering in ‘Feizixiao’ and ‘Baitangying’ litchi. Scientia Horticulturae 148 (2012) 118–125

Fu XY, Zhou LY, Huang JB, Mo WP, Zhang JY, Li JG, Wang HC*, Huang XM*. Relating photosynthetic performance to leaf greenness in litchi: A comparison among genotypes. Scientia Horticulturea, 152:16–25, 2013

Xin-Yu Fu, Wei-Ping Mo, Jing-Yi Zhang, Lin-Yao Zhou, Hui-Cong Wang, Xu-Ming Huang∗ Shoot growth pattern and quantifying flush maturity with SPAD valuein litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Scientia Horticulturae 174 (2014) 29–35

Caiqin Li1, Yan Wang1, Xuming Huang1, Jiang Li2, Huicong Wang1 and Jianguo Li1* De novo assembly and characterization of fruit transcriptome in Litchi chinensis Sonn and analysis of differentially regulated genes in fruit in response to shading. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:552

Xuming Huang, HB Chen. Studies on shoot, flower and fruit development in litchi and strategies for improved litchi production. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 127-136

黄旭明. 2002 亚太地区国家荔枝生产状况与发展动向 中国南方果树 31(1):62-64

黄旭明 王惠聪, 李建国, 罗诗, 袁炜群, 陆洁梅, 尹金华, 黄辉白. 2005 不同荔枝品种采后果实衰老的比较 植物生理与分子生物学报 31(5):555-558

黄旭明, 袁炜群,王惠聪,李建国,罗诗,尹金华,黄辉白. 2005 抗裂性不同的荔枝品种果皮发育过程中钙分布动态研究.园艺学报, 32(4): 578-583

黄旭明,王惠聪, 袁炜群. 2003 不同时期枝梢环剥对荔枝新梢生长及碳素储备影响的研究. 园艺学报, 30(2): 192~194

陆洁梅, 黄旭明*, 王惠聪, 张承林, 杨瑞陶, 谢亮. 2006. 氯酸盐在龙眼生产中运用和研究现状及其生物学效应的机理探讨. 植物生理学通讯, 43(2):567-572

钟伟良, 袁炜群, 黄旭明*, 王惠聪, 李建国, 张承林. 2006 . 荔枝果皮对外源钙和蔗糖吸收及向细胞壁沉着的研究。果树学报. 2006, 23( 3) : 350~354      

邓斯聪,杨为海,朱效传,补建华,黄旭明*,吴鸿. 2008. 龙眼果皮发育解剖学观察.果树学报, 25(2):200-205

袁炜群 黄旭明* 王惠聪 李建国 陈厚彬 尹金华 2009 糯米糍荔枝碳素营养储备动态与坐果的关系. 园艺学报,36(1): 1568-1574

王荔 胡又厘 黄旭明* 王惠聪 2009 枇杷果实锈斑病的发生原因及其控制. 果树学报2009,26(5): 678-682

王燕 王惠聪 周志昆 陈厚彬 胡桂兵 黄旭明* 2009 荔枝的功能及活性成分研究现状. 果树学报2009,26(4): 546-552

王丽敏,王惠聪,李建国,黄旭明* 2010. 枝梢环剥对荔枝新梢生长和叶片矿质营养的影响果树学报,27(2): 257-260

范妍, 尹金华, 刘成明,罗诗, 周佳,黄旭明*. 晚熟荔枝新品种-岭丰糯的选育. 果树学报, 2010, 27(5):852-853.

杨子琴,李茂,章笑赟,余意,王惠聪,黄旭明* 2011.饥饿胁迫对龙眼果实脱落及糖代谢的影响.果树学报,28(3):428-432

杨子琴,李建国,王惠聪,黄旭明*.2012一种测定龙眼果柄离层纤维素酶活性的方法. beat365在线体育官网学报,33(2):175-177

莫伟平,周琳耀,张静逸,黄俊波,贝学文,付欣雨,王惠聪,黄旭明*  遮荫和环剥对荔枝枝梢生长和光合生理的影响. 园艺学报, 2013,,40(1):117–124  

扬子琴, 王惠聪,付欣雨,李建国,黄旭明*. 2013高效液相色谱法测定龙眼果实中ATP、 ADP、 AMP的含量。热带作物学报 34(7):1381-1383

周琳耀*,莫伟平*,张静逸*,黄俊波,贝学文,付欣雨,王惠聪,黄旭明**遮阴对荔枝光合特征及矿质营养积累的影响. 果树学报2014,31(2): 270-275

宋雯佩,陈维,Odit F. Kurniadinata,王惠聪,黄旭明. 利用电子探针技术观测果实组织钙原位分布. 果树学报2014,31(4): 730-732


《Litchi and Longan: Botany, Production and Uses》 2005, CABI 出版社(参编三章);

《Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Loquat》(Acta Horticulturae, 2007,750卷,主编)

《Proceedings of the 3rd Intl Symposium on Long, Litchi and other Sapindacea Fruits》(Acta Horticulturae,2009, 863卷,参编)、

《荔枝学》(2008,中国农业出版社 副主编)

《荔枝产业综合技术》(2010, 广东科技出版社,副主编)、



● 荔枝高效生产关键技术创新与应用. 2014国家科技进步二等奖,排名3

● 荔枝高效安全生产理论与关键技术研究及其产业化应用. 广东省2012年度科技进步一等奖(排名4)

● 优质荔枝新品种岭丰糯的选育和配套栽培技术的研究. 2011年东莞科技进步一等奖, 排名2


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