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2009.09-2013.06,beat365中国官方网站 学士
1. 光环境介导辣椒果实品质形成及次生代谢产物合成的分子机制研究。
2. 园艺设施环境因子调控蔬菜生长发育及品质形成生理与分子生物学的研究。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,32202502,CaERF102调控辣椒素生物合成的功能解析,2023.01-2025.12,主持。
2. beat365在线体育官网人才引进科研启动经费,2021.01-2025.12,主持。
3. 广东省农业农村厅项目,蔬菜优良品种种苗繁育及产业化,2024.01-2025.12,参与。
4. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U21A20230,辣椒素合成的遗传基础及调控网络研究,2022.01-2025.12,参与。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072580,辣椒素合成相关基因HCHL的功能鉴定及调控它的转录因子筛选,2021.01-2024.12,参与。
1. Song J, Chen G, Liu R, Lei J, Ning Z, Tang X, Xu X, Cao B, Chen C, Zhu Z. Two APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTORS positively regulate capsaicinoid biosynthesis in Capsicum annuum, Horticultural Plant Journal, 2023.10 (IF5 5.7)
2. Song J, Sun B, Ning Z, Chen C, Zhang S, Cai Y, Zheng X, Cao B, Chen G, Jin D, Li B, Bian J, Lei J, He H, Zhu Z. An R-R-type MYB transcription factor promotes nonclimacteric pepper fruit ripening pigmentation, The Plant Journal, 2023. (IF5 8.0)
3. Liu R*, Song J*, Liu S, Chen C, Zhang S, Wang J, Xiao Y, Cao B, Zhu Z, Lei J. Genome-wide identification of the Capsicum bHLH transcription factor family: discovery of candidate regulator involved in the regulation of species-specific bioactive metabolites, BMC Plant Biology, 2021. (* equal contribution; IF5 4.5)
4. Song J, Chen C, Zhang S, Wang J, Huang Z, Chen M, Cao B, Zhu Z, Lei J. Systematic analysis of the Capsicum ERF transcription factor family: identification of regulatory factors involved in the regulation of species-specific metabolites. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21(1):573. (IF5 4.1)
5. Song J, Huang H, Hao Y, Song W, Zhang Y, Su W, Liu H. Nutritional quality, mineral and antioxidant content in lettuce affected by interaction of light intensity and nutrient solution concentration. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1). (IF5 4.6)
6. Song J, Huang H, Song W, Zhang Y, Su W, Liu H. Effects of photoperiod interacted with nutrient solution concentration on nutritional quality and antioxidant and mineral content in lettuce. Agronomy, 2020, 10(7):920. (IF5 2.6)
7. Song J, Cao K, Hao Y, Song W, Su W, Liu H. Hypocotyl elongation is regulated by supplemental blue and red light in cucumber seedling. Gene, 2019, 707:117-125. (IF5 2.7)
8. Song J, Zhang Y, Song W, Su W, Chen R, Sun G, Hao Y, Liu H. Comparative RNA-Seq analysis on the regulation of cucumber sex differentiation under different ratios of blue and red light. Botanical Studies, 2018, 59(1):21-21. (IF5 1.9)
9. 宋佳丽, 刘厚诚, 宋世威, 张轶婷, 郝彦伟, 苏蔚, 孙光闻, 陈日远. 光质调控植物开花时间和花性分化研究进 展. 植物生理学报, 2017, 053(011):1938-1946.
10. Cai Y, Xu M, Liu J, Zeng H, Song J, Sun B, Chen S, Deng Q, Lei J, Cao B, Chen C, Chen M, Chen K, Chen G, Zhu Z. Genome-wide analysis of histone acetyltransferase and histone deacetylase families and their expression in fruit development and ripening stage of pepper (Capsicum annuum). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13. (IF5 6.8)
11. Sun B, Chen C, Song J, Zheng P, Wang J, Wei J, Cai W, Chen S, Cai Y, Yuan Y, Zhang S, Liu S, Lei J, Cheng G, Zhu Z. The Capsicum MYB31 regulates capsaicinoid biosynthesis in the pepper pericarp. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022, 176(1): 21-30. (IF5 6.4)
12. 黄祝兵, 朱张生, 张霜霖, 宋佳丽, 陈长明, 雷建军.辣椒胎座cDNA酵母文库构建和鉴定. 分子植物育种,2020, 18(13):4317-4323.
13. 郑胤建, 汪玉洁, 陈田甜, 宋佳丽, 曹凯, 董皓, 王洪峰, 刘厚诚. 光质与基质互作对铁皮石斛生长的影响. 农业工程技术, 2016, 36(01):54-58.
宋佳丽; 雷建军; 曹必好; 朱张生; 陈长明; 邱正坤; 颜爽爽; 辣椒ERF转录因子CaERF102及其在提高辣椒素含量中的应用, 2023-11-22, 中国, 202110737647.2