



张斯淇,女,博士,教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师。主要从事植物遗传发育与生殖生物学研究。研究成果以第一(含并列)作者发表于 ScienceNature GeneticsNature Communications 等期刊。担任Vegetable Research青年编委,Plant Biotechnology JournalMolecular breeding等期刊审稿专家。

邮箱: siqi.zhang@scau.edu.cn



2007.9  2011.6    华中农业大学 园艺学 本科

2008.9  2011.6    华中科技大学 英语 第二学位

2011.9  2017.12   华中农业大学 果树学 硕博连读

2018.1  2022.12   法国国家农业食品与环境研究院 博士后

2023.1  2024.6    巴黎萨克雷大学 博士后

2024.6 ⎯       今      beat365中国官方网站 教授



  1. 葫芦科等蔬菜作物重要农艺性状(性别分化、果实发育、逆境响应等)的遗传与分子机制解析

  2. 葫芦科等蔬菜作物及野生近缘种的基因组学与功能基因组学研究

  3. 基于人工诱变、基因编辑等技术的蔬菜作物遗传改良

  4. 基因组重复元件(转座子等)的生物学功能研究


  1. beat365在线体育官网人才引进项目,2024—2029,主持

  2. 欧洲研究理事会(ERC)高级资助项目, 101095736, NectarGland - Improving flower attractiveness for pollinators: Study of developmental, morphological and chemical cues in relation to bee foraging, 2023-03 至 今,参与

  3. 法国国家科研署(ANR) 资助项目, ANR-19-CE20-0023, New insights in the development and dynamics of floral nectar to improve the survival of insect pollinators and the pollination of cucurbits – NECTAR, 2019-12 2023-12, 参与

  4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,利用野生山金柑资源发掘控制多胚性状的关键基因,参与

五、发表论文和专著   (*为共同第一作者)

  1. Siqi Zhang*, Feng-Quan Tan*, Ching-Hui Chung, Filip Slavkovic, Ravi Sureshbhai Devani, Christelle Troadec, Fabien Marcel, Halima Morin, Céline Camps, Maria Victoria Gomez Roldan, Moussa Benhamed, Catherine Dogimont, Adnane Boualem, Abdelhafid Bendahmane. The control of carpel determinacy pathway leads to sex determination in cucurbits. Science. 2022(6619):543-549.

  2. Hsin-Ya Huang*, Siqi Zhang* Fadi Abou Choucha*, Marion Verdenaud, Feng-Quan Tan, Clement Pichot, Hadi Shirazi Parsa, Filip Slavkovic, Qinghe Chen, Christelle Troadec, Fabien Marcel, Catherine Dogimont, Leandro Quadrana, Adnane Boualem & Abdelhafid Bendahmane;Harbinger transposon insertion in ethylene signaling gene leads to emergence of new sexual forms in cucurbits. Nature communications, 2024, 15: 4877

  3. Xia Wang*, Yuantao Xu*, Siqi Zhang*, Li Cao*, Yue Huang, Junfeng Cheng, Guizhi Wu, Shilin Tian, Chunli Chen,Yan Liu,Huiwen Yu,Xiaoming Yang,Hong Lan,Nan Wang,Lun Wang, Jidi Xu,Xiaolin Jiang,Zongzhou Xie,Meilian Tan,Robert M Larkin,Ling-Ling Chen,Bin-Guang Ma,Yijun Ruan,Xiuxin Deng& Qiang Xu. Genomic analyses of primitive, wild and cultivated citrus provide insights into asexual reproduction. Nature Genetics, 2017, 49, 765-772.

  4. Siqi Zhang*, Mei Liang*, Nan Wang*, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng, Lijun Chai. Reproduction in woody perennial Citrus: an update on nucellar embryony and self-incompatibility. Plant reproduction, 2018, 31(1): 43-57

  5. Dali Rashid, Ravi Sureshbhai Devani, Natalia Yaneth Rodriguez-Granados, Fadi Abou-Choucha, Christelle Troadec, Halima Morin, Feng-Quan Tan, Fabien Marcel, Hsin-Ya Huang, Melissa Hanique, Siqi Zhang, ... & Abdelhafid Bendahmane Ethylene produced in carpel primordia controls CmHB40 expression to inhibit stamen development. Nature Plants, 2023. 1-13.

  6. Jianbing Hu, Chenchen Liu, Zezhen Du, Furong Guo, Dan Song, Nan Wang, Zhuangmin Wei, Jingdong Jiang, Zonghong Cao, Chunmei Shi, Siqi Zhang, Chenqiao Zhu, …& Lijun Chai. Transposable elements cause the loss of self-incompatibility in citrus.Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2023

  7. Nan Wang, Xietian Song , Junli Ye, Siqi Zhang, Zhen Ca, Chenqiao Zhu, …&, Xiuxin DengStructural variation and parallel evolution of apomixis in citrus during domestication and diversification. National Science Review, 2022 (10):nwac114..

  8. Chenqiao Zhu, Xiongjie Zheng,Yue Huang, Junli Ye, Peng Chen, Chenglei Zhang, Fei Zhao, Zongzhou Xie, Siqi Zhang, Nan Wang, Hang Li, Lun Wang, Xiaomei Tang, Lijun Chai, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng. Genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of an early flowering Mini-Citrus (Fortunella hindsii). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(11): 2199-2210.

  9. 张斯淇, 徐强, 邓秀新. 无融合生殖与柑橘多胚现象的研究进展. 植物科学学报, 2014, 32(1):88-96.

  10. 参编《园艺产品功能成分》(主编:马兆成,徐娟),全国高等农林院校十二五规划教材

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