Dean: Chen Houbin
Tel: 020-85282107,85280231;
Office: Room 503 in College of Horticulture
Personal profile:
<p font-size:16px;= style=-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;>Work ExperiencesSince graduation in July 1986, he has entered in College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, as Research Assistant (1989), Associate Research Fellow (Dec 1995) and Research Fellow (Dec, 2005), and as Vice Director and Director of the Research Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, as Vice Dean (2002- 2010), and Dean (since March 2015.)
He is the member of ISHS, CSHS and GDAHS.
He has served as the coordinator of the China Agriculture (Litchi and Longan) Research System since 2008.
1979-09~1983-07, Department of Horticulture, Sichuan Agricultural College, studying in Fruit Science for Bachelor Degree.
1983-09~1986-07, College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, studying in Fruit Science for Master Degree.
1997-09~2002-07, College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, studying in Fruit Science for PhD Degree.
Research Projects
1. Introduction and Industry Application of Foreign Technology in Litchi fruit(948 project, 2006-G31, concluded in April 2009)
2. Litchi Orchard Reformation, Post-harvest and Processing Technology,(Special Agricultural Project for Public Benefit, 2007~2011, 3-43, concluded in 2011)
3. China Agriculture (Litchi and longan) Research System Fund (CARS-33, 2008-2016)
Teaching experience
Fruit Cultivation, Production Management in Horticultural Crops for undergraduate students, Advances and Discussion in Research of Horticultural Crops for graduate students.
Academic Awards
Innovation and application of High efficacy in critical technology of Litchi industry, awarded with the 2nd Award, National Science and Technology Progress Award (Place 2) in 2014.
Research and Application of Theory and Technology in Efficient and Safe Production of Litchi, awarded with the 1st Award, Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award (Place 3) in 2012.
Research and Demonstration of Quality Security in litchi industry, Awarded with the 1st Award, Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award (Place 2) in 2007.
Standard and Guideline
NY/T 2564-2014 GUIDELINES FOR THE CONDUCT OF TESTS FOR DISTINCTNESS, UNIFORMITY AND STABILITY LITCHI, Litchi chinensis Sonn. Ministry of Agriculture, China, 2014-03-24
Professional Activities
He conducted collection, identification and evaluation of litchi and banana germplasm between 1996 and 2005. Since 2005, he has worked on trials and demonstration in critical technology of litchi and longan production, and the studies on the physiology of floral induction, initiation and differentiation in litchi, longan and other tropical and subtropical fruits, especially the phasic changes in shoot apex, where floral development takes place.
In 2008, he was screened and appointed as the team leader of the litchi and longan programs. Twenty-eight researchers from 24 central and provincial institutions as core members, were coordinated and conducted R & D work along with the production chain, including germplasm evaluation, breeding, soil and water management, pest and disease control, flower and fruit management, orchard machinery, post-harvest, processing and economics. The system identify research programs from the industry demands and secure the process from field to table, from production to consumption, and from research to development. The system also serves as strong technical consultation for the governmental policy-making and seems highly effective and efficient.
[1] Shen JY, Xiao QS, Qiu HJ, Chen CJ, Chen HB, 2016. Integrative effect of drought and low temperature on litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) floral initiation revealed by dynamic genome-wide transcriptome analysis. Sci. Rep. 6, 32005; doi:10.1038/srep32005
[2] Ding F, 2015. Promoter difference of LcFT1 is a leading cause of natural variation of flowering timing in different litchi cultivars (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). Plant Sci, 241,128-137.
[3] Zhang HN, 2014. Transcriptomic analysis of floral initiation in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) based on de novo RNA sequencing. Plant Cell Rep. 33,1723-1735
[4] Chen HB, Su ZX, Zhang R, Zhang HN, Ding F, Zhou BY. 2014. Research advances in floral differentiation of litchi. Agricultural Science Sinica, 47(9): 1774-1783 [in Chinense]
[5]Lu X, Kim H, Zhong S, Chen H-B , Hu Z, Zhou B. De novo transcriptome assembly for rudimentary leaves in Litchi chinesis Sonn. and identification of differentially expressed genes in response to reactive oxygen species. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:805-
[6]Yang H-F, Kim H-J, Chen H-B, Rahman J, Lu X-Y, Zhou B-Y. Carbohydrate accumulation and flowering-related gene expression levels at different developmental stages of terminal shoots in Litchi chinensis. Hortscience, 2014, 49(11):1-11
[7]Zhang H-N, Wei Y-Z, Shen J-Y, Lai B, Huang X-M, Ding F, Su Z-X, Chen H-B. Transcriptomic analysis of floral initiation in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) based on de novo RNA sequencing. Plant Cell Reports, 2014, 33:1723-1735
[8]Liu W-W, Chen H-B, Lu X-Y, Rahman J, Zhong S, Zhou B-Y. Identification of nitric oxide responsive genes in the floral buds of Litchi chinensis. Biologia Plantarum, 2014
[9]李宁,陈厚彬,张昭其,胡志群,周碧燕. 荔枝LEAFY同源基因克隆及表达分析. beat365在线体育官网学报,2013,34(1):57-61
[10]鲁勇,吴楚彬,陈厚彬,胡志群,张思,周碧燕. 不同发育时期的荔枝花芽冷敏感性比较. 果树学报, 2013,30(1): 115-120
[11]武竞超,胡志群,卢少云,张红娜,陈厚彬,刘伟伟,周碧燕. 柱花草浸出液对荔枝幼苗生长的影响. 中国南方果树, 2013,42(5): 15-19
[12]Liu W-W, Kim H-J, Chen H-B, Lu X-Y, Zhou B-Y. Identification of MV-generated ROS responsive EST clones in floral buds of Litchi chinensis Sonn. Plant Cell Reports, 2013, 32:1361–1372
[13]张荣, 邓振全, 刘爱媛, 陈厚彬. 荔枝叶面、花穗和果实上真菌消长动态. beat365在线体育官网学报. 2012, 33(2): 159-162.
[14]陈浩磊, 陈厚彬, 刘财兴. 桂味荔枝果顶形状与种核质量的关系. 西南大学学报.
[15]Zhou B, Li N, Zhang Z, Huang X, Chen H-B, Hu Z, Pang X, Liu W, Lu Y.Hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide promote reproductive growth in Litchi chinensis. Biologia Plantarum, 56: 321-329
[16]周碧燕,陈厚彬,向炽华,刘伟强,李宁,胡志群,黄旭明,张思. 三月红荔枝不同温度处理的成花效应. 园艺学报, 2010,37(7):1042-1046
[17]张荣,陈厚彬,何平,苏钻贤,姜子德. 荔枝白粉病的发生与防治. 果树学报, 2010, 27(4):641~644
[18]王燕,王惠聪,周志昆,陈厚彬,胡桂兵,黄旭明. 荔枝的功能及活性成分研究现状. 果树学报, 2009, 26(4):546~552
[19]杨转英,胡桂兵,王惠聪,欧阳若,陈厚彬. 不同着色期荔枝果皮总RNA的提取及mRNA差显分析. 果树学报,2008, 25(2):281-285
[20]Zhou BY, Chen H-B, Huang XM, Li N, Hu ZQ, Gao ZG, Lu Y. Rudimentary leaf abortion with the development of panicle in litchi: Changes in ultrastructure, antioxidant enzymes and phytohormones. Scientia Horticulturae, 117 (2008) 288–296
[21]曾庆钱, 陈厚彬, 鲁才浩, 李建国. HPLC 测定荔枝不同器官中内源激素流程的优化. 果树学报,2006,23(1):145-148.
[22]黄辉白,陈厚彬. 以阶段观剖视荔枝的花芽分化。果树科学,2003, 20(6):487-492.
[23]陈厚彬,黄辉白,刘宗莉. 荔枝树成花与碳水化合物器官分布的关系研究. 园艺学报, 2004, 31(1):1-6
[24]徐春香, 陈厚彬, 李建国, 张海岚, 彭国康, 梁铨荣. 从香蕉胚性细胞悬浮系获得再生植株. 植物生理学通讯, 2004, 40(2): 161-163.
[25]陈厚彬,李建国, 冯奇瑞, 徐春香, 杨贺年, 吕顺. 28个香蕉品种果实性状评估. 华南农大学报2004,25(4): 6-11
[26]陈厚彬,冯奇瑞,徐春香,霍日祥,李建国,王泽槐. 抗枯萎病香蕉种质筛选. beat365在线体育官网学报, 2006, 27(1):9-12
Symposium papers
[1]Chen, H. B, Huang, X. M. Overview of litchi production in the world with specific reference to China. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 25-33
[2]Huang, X. M.; Chen, H. B. Studies on shoot, flower and fruit development in litchi and strategies for improved litchi production. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 127-136
[3]Zhou B Y, Chen H B, Wu C B. An overview on natural triggers and stress signals in relation to flowering in Litchi chinensis and Dimocarpus longan. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029:137-144
[4]Su, Z. X.; Li, R. F.; Huang, J, Zhang, R.; Chen, H.B. Effect of ground mulching on flowering and fruit development of litchi. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 237-243
[5]Zhang, H. N.; Huang, X. M.; Chen, H. B. The photosynthetic characteristics in 'Feizixiao' and 'Guiwei' during floral induction. Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 245-251
[6]Zhang, R.; Su, Z-X.; Chen, H-B; Lv, H.Q. Effects of environmental factors on biological characteristics of litchi downy blight (Peronophythora litchi) . Acta Horticulturae, 2014, 1029: 445-450
[7]Huang Huibai, Chen Houbin. A phase approach towards floral formation in lychee. Acta Hort. 2005, 665:185-194
[8]Chen Houbin, Huang Huibai. Low temperature requirements for floral induction in lychee. Acta Hort. 2005, 665:195-202
[9]Chen Houbin, Feng Qirui, Xu Chunxiang, He Rixiang, Li Jianguo, Wang Zehuai and Agustin Molina, Jr. Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China. In: A. B. Molina, L.B. Xu, V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh and K.H. Borromeo (eds.). Advancing banana and plantain R & D in Asia and the Pacific –Vol.13, INIBAP-Asia Pacific, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, pp. 165-174, 2005.
[10]Chen Houbin, Wang Zehuai, Li Jianguo, A progress report on banana collection in China. A paper presented at the 7th INIBAP/ASPNET RAC meeting, Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept. 21-24, 1997.
[11]Chen Houbin, Li Jianguo, Wang Zehuai, Progress Report on banana collection in Hainan Province of China. A paper presented at the 8th INIBAP/ASPNET RAC meeting, Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 21-24, 1998.
[12]Chen Houbin, Li Jianguo, Wang Zehuai, China work report: banana collection and resistance identification in 1999. A paper presented at the 9th INIBAP/ASPNET RAC meeting, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2-5, 1999.
[13]Chen Houbin et al. China litchi industry: Development, achievements and problems. Acta Horticulture, 2001, 558: 31-39
Book or book chapter
陈厚彬主编,荔枝产业综合技术. 广州: 广东科技出版社,2010.
陈厚彬主编,荔枝龙眼100问. 中国农业出版社,2009.
陈厚彬副主编,荔枝学(李建国主编),荔枝品种. 中国农业出版社,2008.
陈厚彬参编:园艺生态学(张光伦主编),撰写大气与园艺植物的生态关系一章. 中国农业出版社,2009.