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Guangdong Provincial Key Discipline—Horticulture

Figuringamong the first subjects offered by the South China Agricultural University,horticulture comprises five sub-disciplines of pomology, vegetable science, teascience, ornamental horticulture and postharvest science. In 2007, pomology andvegetable science were classified as State Key Discipline and Guangdong ProvincialKey Discipline, respectively. In 2009, tea science was selected as state-level characteristicdiscipline. In 2012, horticulture discipline was distinguished as the KeyDiscipline of Guangdong Province.

Aspreviously mentioned, the teaching staff associated with the horticulturesubject is well-organized and consistent. The subject is concerned mainly withexploration of the features of South Subtropical Horticulture and puts a greatdeal of emphasis on the integration of applied technology research andempirical work. At provincial and ministerial levels, the subject has sixresearch platforms. During the period from 2011 to 2016, it carried out over200 research projects on behalf of the National Natural Science Fund andvarious provincial and ministerial authorities. The subject has been includedamong the advanced-level national subjects since five of its accomplishmentshave received the secondary national science and technology progress awards.